3 Ways to Eat to Live

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There are many ways to eat to live. Eating to live is an attitude that shapes actions into a lifestyle. What we value, our resources and experience can impact our choices too. Eat to live by eating what is satisfying, nourishing and sustainable. Consider these three points below as you redesign your reasons to eat.

1. Be Smart About Satisfaction

Food must satisfy our human desire to feel satiation. Satiation is fundamental to the enjoyment of food. As humans, we have an evolutionary, biological response to receive enjoyment from eating. When we are used to a type of feeling a food gives us, it’s possible that the familiarity will provide satisfaction, even though the body is not nutritionally satisfied. Therefore, even if we are eating food that is NOT good for us, because we are used to the food, it will be satisfying- although it’s not supplying any nutritional benefit. That’s simple enough! However, this element can make it challenging to change a lifestyle when habits are comfortable, pleasing and regimented. It may be simply in my experience but when I eat more healthy, fresh, whole foods, I crave them. When I eat more processed, junk foods, I crave them more! I like to maintain balanced eating habits and enjoy myself along the way, whether on or off track.

2. Choose Nutritious Whole Foods

When we eat to live, it’s because we eat with the intention to nourish our bodies. By nourishing our bodies we give gratuity, investing in what will sustain us. When eat for nourishment, it is easier to think of long term effects. However, immediate benefits of eating healthy provides an increase in energy. Sometimes, I feel vibrant simply after taking my first bite into a salad. To feel this lovely feeling, I have to be very specific about what I have been eating and limit my junk food. As mentioned above, simply eating more healthy foods can make my awareness and sensitivity to them stronger. Nourishing foods can impact our energy levels in a positive way while junk foods impact our health in a negative way.

Nourishing our bodies with materials other than foods is important too. Using the skin to absorb nutrients. Synthesize vitamin D with the sunlight. Breathe in lots of fresh oxygen. Also, drink plenty of water.

3. Buy Local, Seasonal Produce and Grow Something!

Eating to live includes sustainability. Are our food choices something our bodies can sustain over a lifetime? Do our food choices hurt or harm us? How do you know? What is the quality of your food, and where does it come from? How do you know what you are eating? What is in your food? How will your food choices impact your health? What diseases are you predisposed/preconditioned to receive. Visiting local farmer’s market’s can also help to include seasonal produce that is local. Also, growing your own plants, herbs or foods can help develop a connection with the earth that can inform you of how to balance consumption sustainably.

Do you eat to live? Or do you live to eat?


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